Application Process 

Please click on the icon above and fill out the application for your child's currents grade level. 

This will place you in order submitted on the waiting list. 

for the 2025-2026 School year 

Students must be 5 on or before September 30, 2025.  ( please note: for the 2024/2025 School year students  in kindergarten must be 5 before September 30. 2024) The age requirement for kindergarten entrance in Virginia is that children will have celebrated their fifth birthday by September 30. Upon parent request, any Hampton child who will celebrate his/her fifth birthday in October or November may be eligible to register for kindergarten pending the outcome of an evaluation. This evaluation is administered by the Hampton City Schools Language Arts Department. Parents with children who were born during the months of October or November , can call April Rollins at (757) 727-2123 to schedule an entrance evaluation appointment. Please note that the Language Arts Department will make the final decision regarding the child's eligibility status.